Greetings Earthlings!
I’m Dave.
I’m a weirdo who lives on a boat full time. I’ve been cruising up and down the east coast of ‘Murica since 2019. In an effort to keep family and friends apprised of my travels and shenanigans, I started writing. A YouTube channel would have been the stylish thing to do, but that sounded like a lot of work, and anyway, my big dumb face is more conducive to a text-based format. So, the blog was born.
The early entries started as posts on, and were short and sweet. As time went on, I realized that I really enjoyed writing them, and they’ve evolved to be longer and, I hope, better. I don’t have any set schedule for publishing new posts, but if you’d like, you can subscribe below and you’ll get a notification when I post something new.
Anyway, that’s enough rambling. Welcome to the Adventures of Sylphide. I’m glad you’re here, I hope you enjoy my scribbles.

51. The Georgia Lowlands
Boy, it’s been a while. Last time I wrote anything here, Betty White and the Delta Variant were all still around. Hell, I think I

50. Some Undiscovered Country
Well let’s see… Where did we leave off? Was it Georgetown? I think it was Georgetown. It was so long ago. It’s like trying to

49. Quality Cruising with Dad
After a long cold December on the Great Lakes, the season came to a close, and the big boat was put away for the winter.