7. Sylphide Sleeps, I Head Back to Work

Well, I’m back to work on the big boat for the next four weeks. In the mean time, I’ll have to make do with gazing longingly at this webcam footage.

Once I’d gotten Sylphide all laid up at Coeymans, I headed back to central NY to deposit my dad, and to get myself ready to head back to work. I was also in town for my cousin’s wedding, which was an absolute blast. We all had a great time. At one point I even found myself wearing the bride’s hair extensions. Not sure how that happened.

After the wedding, I didn’t have anything at all to do for a couple of days, and I decided that that was probably a good thing. After all of my harried activity for the previous three and a half weeks, it would be good to just be lazy for a couple of days, right?

Well… not so much. It took almost no time at all to find myself slipping into my old bad habits. Staying up stupidly late, sleeping in, eating too much junk food, spending hours and hours on the couch just mindlessly absorbing ‘content,’ and just generally being a lazy slob. It’s a very slippery slope, which leads to a deep, dark hole, that’s shaped like a 3XL shirt. A hole in which I’ve wasted far too much of my time. I realized that I’m really excited to get back to the boat for the next leg of the adventure. More excited than I’ve been about anything in ages. I don’t remember the last time I was excited to see my house.

I know it won’t be some kind of magic bullet or miracle cure for what ails me, and I know that there will be many days when I’m frustrated with it, but I do think that living aboard and cruising full time will be good for me in many ways. It’s given me purpose, direction, and something to look forward to. It feels good.

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